Our vision is to be united in seeking God's will and serving all people.


We are an Open and Affirming Congregation of the United Church of Christ

Our vision is to be united in seeking God's will and serving all people.


We are an Open and Affirming Congregation of the United Church of Christ


God loves all people. There are no exceptions. We have come to know God decisively in Jesus Christ. Jesus is our teacher, example, brother, and Lord. God sends the Holy Spirit to challenge and support us. The spirit calls us to acts of justice and mercy. We believe faith and science enliven and enrich each other. The church is the way through which we participate in God's love for the world.


Samuel Buehrer

Lead Pastor

Cynthia Grassman

Director or Music

Denise Carter

Child Care/Preschool Director

Christy Woywood

Office Manager

Echo Woywood

Audio/Visual Technician

Samuel Buehrer

Lead Pastor

Cynthia Grassman

Director or Music

Denise Carter

Preschool Director

Christy Woywood

Office Manager

Echo Woywood

Audio/Visual Technician


When you walk through our doors you may see people in suits and ties, but you will also see people in jeans and t-shirts. We want to make sure you are comfortable when you visit.  Once in the parking lot, visitor parking is to the right. There is a circle drive that provides easy drop off for those that prefer not to walk in from the parking lot. This is a handicap accessible entrance and there is always someone willing to offer a helping hand getting in and out of vehicles. Once in the lobby, which we refer to as the Narthex, there is a visitors center that has hearing aids that are connected to our sound system. Ushers will provide a bulletin at the doors that lead into the sanctuary. Our services have many places where the congregation will respond aloud, reading from the bulletin. Feel free to follow along or read silently.  Hymn numbers are also listed in the bulletin. There are attendence pads located in the pew backs.

Please let us know you were here!  If you need any assistance, please let us know.